I’ve used several ways to capture or address non functional requirements (NFRs) with user stories. Agile practitioners such a Mike Cohn have written about the challenge. Most agree there are two main approaches: write each NFR as a user story or include NFRs in the definition of done (DoD). Let’s see how each approach can work in practice.
First what do we mean by non functional requirement and is it an oxymoron? NFRs or quality goals for applications and services include: the service must be available 24x7x365 with 99.99% uptime. Or all user requests must be returned within 3 seconds. Or maybe DevOps must be notified to resolve critical outages, etc.
Many of the quality goals are really cross functional requirements that determine choice of service architecture. Other NFRs help shape the company’s brand by promoting a consistent style and behaviour.
A good way to decide how to approach an NFR is to ask how can I test it. User stories with clear behavioural driven acceptance criteria make an obvious place to start.
User Stories
As a bank customer I want to access my account at any time So that I am not restricted to normal banking hours
SCENARIO Registered customer accesses their account at any time of day GIVEN customer has active account WHEN customer logs in with valid credentials THEN all account services are available for use
Testing this story needs some thought. Any time literally means always so how many times should the automated tests run? And all account services suggested a complete set of the online account services are checked for each invocation. Clearly an onerous test. Suppose we consider a related NFR for number of concurrent users:
As bank service provider I want to support up to 10,000 users accessing their online account details simultaneously So that peak demand by customers at busy periods is satisfied
Now we have 1000 user requests at any time of day wanting to access the service. We need one more NFR to close out acceptance criteria:
As a bank customer I want to see my account details within a few seconds of logging in So that I can access my account quickly
SCENARIO 10,000 registered customers simultaneously access their account at any time of day GIVEN customers have active accounts WHEN 10,000 customers log in with valid credentials within the same second THEN all customer's account services are available for use within 5 seconds
A combination of NFRs framed in a set of user stories help build test scenarios that ensure quality goals are achievable and measured. But if every user story needs to include the response time and common error handling it makes for a lot of repetition.
Definition of Done
Another approach to cross cutting NFRs is to build them into the DoD. For example a team might commit to a DoD for each story such as:
- All acceptance criteria met
- No critical or major defects found
- Minor and cosmetic defects logged
- Audit log entries captured for all transactions
- Maximum response time achieved
- Minimum concurrent users supported
- Branding guidelines adhered
- WAI accessibility requirements met
- etc.
The DoD becomes a wish list for all the quality goals and can quickly grow. With a tightly integrated test team that can define BDD criteria for each requirement the DoD can be used.
Back to the question of what an NFR means. Each quality goal needs quantitive values to perform tests and determine if the outcome passes or fails. Failure of a test is logged as a defect and development effort put in to correct it. But what if the test fails when the service is operational? It’s the user who has to log the defect and that can be an expensive or costly for reputation.
That’s why I suggest an NFR is often an oxymoron as it’s really a functional requirement or rather it needs a user story to ensure the service always behaves in a desired way. For example if we return to the availability NFR and the business and user’s needs:
As bank service provider I want to support up to 10,000 users accessing their online account details simultaneously So that peak demand by customers at busy periods is satisfied
As a bank service provider I want to inform customers when my online service has reached maximum capacity So that users know why they can't access their account
Or from the user’s perspective
As a bank customer I want the online service to tell me when it's too busy for me to login So that I can come back later (or go find another bank!)
A good quality service is one that works with minimum friction but customers know things can go wrong. What customers hate is not being told when things go wrong. It’s like being on a train that just stops for a while and there’s no announcement to say why. So a good service needs to have behaviour built in to respond to operational issues and that needs a user story to define, build and test the behaviour to ensure it’s done.