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Category Record Player

How much is it worth?

Over the years Radio Retro have received several questions asking what their radio, amplifier or vintage item is worth. Many others have offered items for sale or asked if the items featured are available to buy. I set up Radio Retro… Continue Reading →

Rega Planar 3 Original Instructions

Rummaging in the loft I found a cardboard box with my Rega Planar 3 bought in the late 70s from Hampstead Hifi. Inside alongside the glass platter and acrylic lid were two large sheets from Rega — Hints and tips on… Continue Reading →

Bang and Olufsen Beogram 3300

Spinning up vinyl on a Beogram is always a memorable experience. The precision of tangential tracking together with a sleek concord style moving coil cartridge signalling ’33’ rpm from red seven segment LED display at the end of the control… Continue Reading →


RETRO RED 60’S PHILIPS GROOVY GF819 RECORD PLAYER Manufactured by Philips in the late 60s this record player is finished in a superb red cabinet with grey lid. It’s mains powered and has an integral transistor amplifier with oval Fane… Continue Reading →

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