Don't throw it away!

Category Tape Recorder

Uher 4000 Report S Portable Tape Recorder

Rescued from the scrap heap this Uher 4000 Report – S portable reel to reel tape recorder was manufactured between 1963 and 1965, superseding the original Uher Report 4000 introduced in 1961. The 4000 S uses a 12 transistor design… Continue Reading →

How much is it worth?

Over the years Radio Retro have received several questions asking what their radio, amplifier or vintage item is worth. Many others have offered items for sale or asked if the items featured are available to buy. I set up Radio Retro… Continue Reading →

Beosystem 10 Repair and Review

After the success of the Beolit 505 and 707 range of transistor radios that ended in 1981, Bang and Olufsen introduced the Beosystem 10 in 1984. As the name suggested this was more than just a radio, it combined a… Continue Reading →

Beocord 1200 belt change and repair

Do you have a Bang and Olufsen BeoCord 1200 reel to reel tape recorder with a faulty take up reel? Maybe it’s spilling tape or judders on playback? This post may help fix the fault with a fairly simple belt… Continue Reading →

Philips N2225 Cassette Recorder

This iconic cassette recorder manufactured in Austria by Philips in the early seventies represented state of the art at the time. Boasting ‘automatic’ in its model name, the N2225 had several innovative features. Automatic detection of the tape end switched… Continue Reading →

JVC Cassette Player CQ-1K Belt Change

Do you have an old JVC Walkman style cassette player that sounds like life has slowed right down? Or fails to play the tape? Don’t throw it away — it probably only needs the belt changing to restore its sound. Here are… Continue Reading →

JVC Cassette Player CQ-1K

Found this relict in an old box recently and thought it worthy of a post. Back in the pre iPod 80s if you wanted mobile music the Sony Walkman was the answer. But if you wanted to ski where the… Continue Reading →

Thunderbirds Taperecorder

THUNDERBIRDS TAPE RECORDER / DECK BENKSON 68 CRYSTAL MIC Here is a very rare miniature tape recorder made in Japan in the sixties by Benkson – model HR-408A. Google Thunderbirds tape recorder images to see the model in Thunderbirds 5… Continue Reading →

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