July 2001 – Objecta wins contract to supply Standard Life Heathcare with e-Business and systems analysis consultancy for a B2B insurance policy servicing portal. Objecta will work with a specialist team to facilitate the requirements capture using our workshop-based approach. Objecta will provide input on estimation and project planning for […]
Yearly archives: 2001
3 posts
May 2001 – Objecta design and develop a multilingual content management system for Lingofish.com. Utilising Microsoft ASP server technology, Objecta applies agile modelling and development to produce a live site from use case to code in only 6 weeks.
Feb 2001 – Objecta signs contract with ModemMedia to supply e-business analysis and design consultancy for a global consumer electronics catalogue and inventory management system. The application involves integration of ATG Dynamo, Interwoven TeamSite and Oracle database technology components within a multilingual environment. A mix of use case driven and […]